We had another great week of REEL Joy with youth new and old. It was encouraging to see 3 more new youth and 3 youth who haven't attended in quite a while come back. 8 of the new/returning youth from last week came back again!
Early on in the evening we played a name game that involved throwing a ball around a circle. It was great fun until one of the youth began to playfully antagonize another youth, throwing the ball before he was ready to receive it. Playful or not, the second youth went from annoyed to angry quickly. There was a split-second when he could have acted out in violence, but ended up turning the other cheek to diffuse a tense situation.
In our teaching times, the main scripture focus for REEL Joy has come from Daniel and his encounter with lions in Daniel 6. Our two student leaders, Damio'n and Justin, did a great job teaching in a large group setting for the first time, breaking down the earlier parts of Daniel's life as a heroic follower of God - first when he refused to eat the king's food in Ch. 1 and then when he was empowered by God to interpret the king's crazy dreams in Ch. 2. The two were definitely nervous at first but kept their composure and taught well.
Looking ahead, we continue to long for your prayers. Here are some specifics:
There are some group dynamics that aren't the best. In some groups the behavior is raucous and bordering on chaotic. In other groups the youth are having a more difficult time following instructions and listening to the leaders. Still other groups are having trouble involving the quieter, shyer kids. We're praying for YG to be a place of Jesus' peace, love and humility and hope for that to be more the case each week.
On another note several youth from the previous week didn't show up, 4 in total. I have talked with a handful of them in the last week and it looks like they'll be able to attend this week. Two others, a brother and a sister who used to come to youth group, really want to come but
Also of note, this coming Saturday is our big filming day - a handful of professional filmmakers volunteer their time to spend most of the day with our youth. It's a long day that requires a lot of patience and energy. There are logistics with filming locations and rides. It's also the make-or-break day in terms of the movies. If the youth don't show up on Saturday we're going to have trouble making the movies. We're looking to God to provide the youth and adult volunteers with what we need to make it through filming day.
Finally, please co