This is our third opportunity to attend this retreat with our high school students. The first year we brought three students and one of them made a clear decision to give his life to Jesus. The second year the group grew – 11 youth and young adults attended and learned of God’s fatherly love for each of us. Thi
This year 15 youth are coming and the theme for the conference is “Real Power and Real Purpose Thru Jesus.” Even though we had no part in the planning process, the theme is a perfect fit. This summer during our first ever missions trip I had the opportunity to witness our youth in action – serving and giving of themselves to further the Kingdom of God here on earth. It was a beautiful sight that has motivated me and our youth staff team to create more opportunities for our youth to serve and lead. Like the disciples who actively participated in Jesus’ ministry and, as a result, grew much in their faith, we hope for the same to be true of our youth.
And so October has been all about Making A Difference, or M.A.D. opportunities. Corny, I know, but I kind of like corny =). Last weekend we attended a conference at Biola University challenging youth to make a difference on their campuses through evangelism and service. Next week we will serve with our church to put on a Health Fair for our community. Finally, on the weekend of Halloween night, the youth group will be staffing the church’s “Light the Night” carnival and helping to provide a safe place for chil

We’d love for your prayers this weekend:
- Please pray for all 15 youth to show up at 3 pm at our meeting spot tomorrow afternoon. Their names are: Anthony, Jamal, Karla, Carlos, Jamilah, Phillip, Ciara, Damio’n, Joseph, Jordan, Kimberly, Gladis, Karina, Gabriel and Justin.
- For 9 of the youth this will be there first time to Catalina Island. For 5 of the youth this will be there first ever retreat with our youth group. Please pray for good, healthy friendships to develop and that all

- At least three of the youth have not made clear decision to follow Jesus and give their lives to him. Please pray for the Spirit to work in their hearts and for new faith to form over the course of the weekend.
- For the many others who have been a part of the YG for a while and have been following Jesus, it’s my prayer that there would be a deepening intimacy in their relationship with God over the course of this weekend as well. I don’t think retreats are some magical thing, but there’s definitely something powerful about going away to a quiet place, away from the distractions of the city and home, to meet with God.
- Finally, please pray for me and the two other adult leaders Heather Fong and John Hernandez. We need the Lord’s wisdom and love to pastor and relate to the youth well over the course of the weekend.
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