Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dinner Prayers: Translating the Heart

Days until the dinner: 10
Today's RSVP count: 203

When our friend Maria Esther agreed to share her testimony we immediately started to think and pray about the right translator. We wanted someone who could translate not just her words, but her heart. We decided we wanted a woman to translate, and someone who shares Maria Esther's faith in God as Redeemer and Deliverer. We first asked a friend from church and she could not because of a scheduling conflict. We continued our search. It would be great, we thought, to find someone who is also a mother, who lives in our community and understands what it is like to feel the threat of violence close to home.

Yesterday we believe God provided exactly the right person! Our dear friend Susie Gonzalez has lived in our neighborhood since she was a young girl, has three kids of her own, speaks English and Spanish fluently and has a wonderfully warm presence. Please pray specifically for Susie and Maria Esther today. They will be meeting with Richard on Friday night to prepare. Pray for God's blessing and protection over each them during the coming week.

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