Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Sky's The Limit Prepares to Launch!

A week from today the Redeemer Community Partnership storefront will be filled with 36 children from the surrounding streets, eager to learn about the science of flight. There are still many things left to prepare, however! Program director Lauren has been running around working hard to get everything done, and so much has already been accomplished. Church members designed, painted, and hung two beautiful banners in the classrooms, one of outer space and the other a skyscape filled with hot air balloons and airplanes.

Lauren has also just finished leading the week-long registration process. As we expected, there was much greater interest this year than in past summers because local public schools are not offering any summer school. Each day many new parents and children came to sign up. Praise God for the opportunity to meet so many new families! Praise him, too, that we were able to form a complete class of children almost all from just two streets closest to the tutoring center.

Having kids that come from nearby is important because it allows us to get to know their families, and also makes it more likely that the same students can continue to receive tutoring in the fall. The mission of Adventures Ahead is to make a long-term impact on students, helping them succeed academically over many years and putting them on a college-bound path. We also hope to see God's Kingdom come in our neighborhood through deep relationships built over time. So a group of children that all live within walking distance of the center, close to each other, and on the same streets as many church members is a huge answer to your prayers.

As the week goes on, I will give more specific updates about how you can pray for Lauren and her preparation, so check back often! For now, here is a brief list of things coming up in the next week:
  • Finishing up math and reading curriculum
  • Looking for people to make lunches for students
  • Thursday: Parent meeting
  • Friday: student interns (our summer teachers) arrive
  • Monday: the adventure begins! as classes start

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