Sunday, July 12, 2009

Treasure in a Brown Bag

The young adult small group spreads PB and J

A big challenge of running the Sky's the Limit camp is how to feed 40 hungry kids each day. So Lauren was thrilled when four small groups from Church of the Redeemer took this on as a ministry. For the entire month of July, each group is spending one night a week (in addition to their regular meeting) making sack lunches for Sky's the Limit kids and teachers.

At my own small group this week we studied Acts 2 and talked about the depth of shared life that characterized the early church. As we shared ideas for deepening trust and friendship among ourselves, one member reflected on the joy she found in our sandwich-making night--the challenge of assembling large numbers of sandwiches, the last-minute emails seeking "a sponsor for this week's cheese," the shared triumph of setting a new speed record. Through this small gift we decided to give the kids, we realized that we were becoming more of a family to one another. You can never out-give God!

Another sandwich-making team is a newly launched Bible study for young adults. A leader from this group writes, "This past week, we finally are seeing the beginnings of a community being knitted together that is excited about learning and doing--with much of the excitement having to do with being able to serve the summer program together. This week we had our most encouraging Bible study on Tuesday, where group participation was at an all time high (we studied John 13 and washed each others' feet), and folks were again eager and excited on Tuesday night to make sandwiches."

Praise God for the love that he is pouring out to kids through members of Church of the Redeemer. And pray that these small groups will continue to uncover the treasures of Christian community as they serve together.

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