Saturday, November 7, 2009

Worth a Thousand Signatures

For anyone reading blogs on this fine Saturday morning, please pray for our Take a Walk photo shoot. Stephanie Yu, one of our summer camp teachers from 2008, is a senior photo-journalism major at Cal State Fullerton. She has taken time out of her very full schedule to spend the day walking down our sidewalks, camera and tripod in hand. We have a full lineup of neighbors who have volunteered to pose on some of the least passable stretches. Our subjects include senior citizens, families pushing strollers and, of course, wheelchair users. On the 2600 block of Brighton Ave., just north of our home, a large community of adults with disabilities live in a wheelchair accessible apartment complex. The building manager has helped up collect signatures from almost all of her tenants and has recruited many of them for today's photo shoot.

Yesterday, the South LA regional administrator called Richard to arrange a meeting to discuss the CRA's budget. We expect they are preparing to tell us that there is no money for the repairs and that we cannot have all the sidewalks fixed. Let's continue to pray that God would go before us and prepare the way for all this work to be completed to his glory in and through the church.

One of the ways we hope to win support for repairs is by putting a face on the hazards our broken sidewalks pose. It's one thing to scan long lists of names and signatures. It's another to look into the face of actual people who can't get to the grocery store, have been injured by falls or have found themselves physically stranded. Please pray for God to guide Stephanie's work today and for this series of portraits to have strong emotional and moral impact.

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