Friday, May 8, 2009

Dinner Prayers: What Money Can Buy

Days to the Dinner: 8
Today's RSVP count:

When we pray for God to bless this dinner we're really praying for the partnerships we hope to see grow. And while we hope these partnerships will include financial support, this too is only a means to an end. So as you pray for our dinner today, ask God to bring about the actual end we are trying to accomplish: A safe, healthy, opportunity-rich environment where children and youth can thrive.

How does money relate to this?
Our Adventures Ahead program provides year-round tutoring and enrichment activities for 30 grade-school children. Children who are behind in reading by multiple grade levels are catching up. Children who think they hate math are discovering they are good at it. Children who face tremendous obstacles to college readiness are spending regular time with university students. Parents are getting help to find charter and magnet schools for their kids. Our annual cost per child is $3563. Here is where those resources come from...

registration fees paid by families: $80
grant money: $495

donated rent for our facility: $800

gifts from individuals and churches: $2188

Pray that every one of our Adventures Ahead kids will thrive this year. Not just academically, but physically, socially and spiritually. And where $2188 can make a difference pray that God will raise up donors to supply it!

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