Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dinner Prayers: What Money Can't Buy

Day to the Dinner: 7
Today's RSVP count: 226

So money is critical to RCP's work in the neighborhood. It pays for staff salaries, computer upgrades, curriculum materials, air conditioning, field trips, snacks, prizes, toner cartridges, insurance policies and art supplies. But the Kingdom Magic that we yearn for, lives transformed by God, cannot be purchased. It comes only through the love, sacrifice and prayers of God's people. One of the greatest conduits of grace that God has given our neighborhood is Lauren Tigrett, our Adventures Ahead program director for the last four years. Lauren's love for the kids in our program is resolute and unfailing. No amount of money could purchase her ability to see each child's potential, her constant availability, her patient listening, and her creative approaches to keeping each child motivated. And even if money could buy these things, it would certainly be much much more than she sees in her monthly check! A wonderful gift Lauren has brought to our program recently is a new focus on science and math. In Lauren's "former life" at the University of Texas she trained as a mechanical engineer. She has a personal love for math, computers, technology and the scientific method that she is passing on to our kids! This summer, thirty grade-schoolers will attend "Sky's the Limit", a full-day science camp where kids will learn all about flight technology. Lauren is already hard at work to prepare lessons, experiments and field trips.

As you pray for our dinner today, please pray specifically for Lauren's role. This January we increased her position from halftime to three-quarters time. We would love to have her working full-time with our kids, and eventually training others to open new program sites in our neighborhood. Pray that the photos and testimonies we share will help our dinner guests see how deeply blessed the Adventures Ahead families are by Lauren's work. And pray that new donors, volunteers, and intercessors will emerge from the evening to help us expand Lauren's impact.

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